ALT−C Systems adds TimeTrends® Forecast Warehouse Module
MONTREAL - April 3, 1997 -
A Forecast Warehouse® Module has been been
added to TimeTrends, a powerful forecasting system
for the Windows operating system, by ALT−C Systems,
Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Ideally suited to companies
moving towards an Open Data Systems standard, as well as those
seeking Year 2000 compliance in their forecast application, the
Forecast Warehouse Module provides an ODBC-compliant,
Internet-enabled data storage and administration environment.
It is designed for Sales/Marketing, Logistics and Finance users.
Utilizing 32-bit code written in Visual C++, this multi-user capable
module utilizes the MS-Access (.MDB) data format as the database.
The forecasting database can be created electronically by querying any
ODBC-compliant corporate or external database, whether this be an Enterprise
system (ERP), MRP system, data warehouse or other, using database environments
such as Oracle, SQL Server, and others.
Designed as a relational database system supporting multi-dimensional
queries, the Forecast Warehouse can store not only
individual item histories, forecasts, overrides, promotional information,
annotations and such but also different versions of the same,
along with accuracy calculations and user-defined fields containing
data replicated from the host system. Users can execute pre-defined
or ad-hoc SQL queries into the database to create custom views
of the data, as well as create their own calculations such as
days' supply, inventory stockturns, standard cost of forecast
error, pro-forma revenue change and more.
Database navigation functionality includes intuitive "drag and drop"
hierarchical roll-up structures and graphics. Data processing functionality
such as Batch processing of forecasts is included. Users may also easily
create aggregate or summary level tables as needed, to combine the power
of "bottom-up" with "top-down" forecasting.
Non-specialized users or remote users may choose to use data entry forms
to supply forecast-related information to the TimeTrends
database. These forms can be customized using MS-Access or Lotus
The Forecast Warehouse module also offers the possibility
of Internet or Intranet-enabling your application, via TimeTrends®
ability to export data in HTML format. This enables remote reviewing
of forecast information by management, end-users or customers.
Forecast results can be written back to the Master Production Schedule
(MPS) of an MRP / ERP system, scheduling / simulation systems, financial
reporting systems, corporate data warehouse or other network applications,
via ODBC connection, or emulation hardware / software. Reports such as
summaries, exception reports, safety stock, forecast accuracy or variance
are generated using MS-Access or report writers such as Crystal Reports
which use the TimeTrends® database as an OBDC data source.
Designed to run under Windows 95 or Windows NT, the software is network
For additional information on the TimeTrends Forecast Warehouse
module, sold directly or through VARS, contact:
ALT−C Systems Inc.
5117 Savoie,
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
H8Z 1C4
Tel. 450-635-5404
FAX 514-685-0463